14 April 2010

Post-Easter Food

I've been missing Jesus lately. Somehow, the swirl of activity in my life has left my Jesus prayer more than lacking (even while chewing). My spiritual disciplines that were becoming routine are noticeably absent from my daily rule. Sure, blame it on Easter and Spring Break, but that's no real excuse.

Can't even mention how awful my food intake has been the last week of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Week. The Whopper's brand Robin Eggs get me every year.

The nice surprise in all this muck is the Biblical readings from yesterday (Luke 24: 28-35) and today (John 21:1-14). Both are stories of the disciples "seeing" Jesus following the resurrection, and both center around food. In all the chaos of the last few weeks, I now realize that I have had few meals sitting around the table with my little "disciple" (aka my 3 year old) or any other individuals in whom I look to meet Jesus. I've had many meals alone or on the run, and now I feel the toll it's taking--out of balance, dis-connected, and generally bleh about eating in general, not mention any sort of connection to God.

So where the heck is Jesus? I mean, I had plenty of Robin Eggs for him--what's up with him being so absent?

The text from Luke ("...Were not our hearts burning within us..." my translation: Jesus was with us all along) is a friendly reminder that if I'm missing Jesus, he's not the one who's left the table. I just forgot to set him a place.